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/math/ - Mathematics

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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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This board is for the discussion of mathematics.

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Arrays can be embedded by using
\begin{array}{c|c:c} ... \end{array}
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AaBbcC=D \qquad\begin{CD} A @>a>> B \\ @VbVV @AAcA \\ C @= D \end{CD}

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\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=scriptsize, column sep=scriptsize]
   & f^* E_V \arrow[dl] \arrow[rr] \arrow[dd] & & E_V \arrow[dl] \arrow[dd] \\
   f^* E \arrow[rr, crossing over] \arrow[dd] & & E \\
   & U \arrow[dl] \arrow[rr] & & V \arrow[dl] \\
   M \arrow[rr] & & N \arrow[from=uu, crossing over]\\

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When did you realize that the reals are fake?
Mathematics can do without infinities.
48 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
In order to be mathematics, Ultrafinitist and finitists need to make a logical coherent system.
They can't. It's about the physics to deceide whether the world as a whole is infinite or finite in nature.
As far as I know, our informations doesn't allow such a inference. The topic is closed at this moment.
I'd say finitism is moreso a philosophical perspective than anything very empirical.
Наша частная клиника предоставляет современное лечение для всей семьи.
В нашем центре индивидуальный подход эффективные методы лечения.
Наши врачи — это высококвалифицированные специалисты, использующие передовые методики.
Наши услуги включают услуги в различных медицинских направлениях, среди которых консультации специалистов.
Мы ценим ваше доверие — основная цель нашего обслуживания.
Свяжитесь с нами, и восстановите ваше здоровье с нами.

Is thrembo real? It's an integer between 6 and 7.
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The final answer is 3 and in >>830 it is 2.
no the answer is clearly 2
two integers cant represent a complex number
logsday is the thremboth day of the week

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What I said in the subject. It's so easy to prove. Search the problem and solve it, simple as that.
16 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
test post

will dedicate my time to extrapolating a curve later
>posting about iq on a mathematics board
I just want to say that i scored 110s on the mensa when i didn't know these insane fucks were doing function identities on the object numbers and 130s after finding out
iq tests are a joke on uninformed people
>but you have got to find out during the test bro
fuck off

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It is both kinda surprising and disappointing that the easiest way to compute the derivative of
arc sinarc\ sin
is to solve the integral of

Just by looking on a quarter of a circle with angle in it you know that:
1x2dx=arc sinx2+x1x22\int{\sqrt{1-x^2}}dx = \frac{arc\ sinx}{2} + \frac{x\sqrt{1-x^2}}{2}

By deriving everything we get:
1x2=(arc sinx)2+(x1x2)2\sqrt{1-x^2} = \frac{(arc\ sinx)'}{2} + \frac{(x\sqrt{1-x^2})'}{2}

And now it's easy to get
(arc sinx)(arc\ sinx)'
out of the equation and solve it.

It is
if anyone asked.

Then you can compute
(arc cosx)(arc\ cosx)'

(arc cosx)=(arc sin(1x))=(arc\ cosx)' = (arc\ sin(1-x))' =

=(1x)11(1x)2=...= (1-x)'\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-(1-x)^2}} = ...

Similarily and even easier
(arc tanx)(arc\ tanx)'
because it's just a derivative of a fraction of functions.

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the inverse function of any differentiable bijection can have
its derivative computed via the chain rule. just differentiate their composition.

gross wojack picture btw
Yes, now I see. I suspected that there should be some easier way to do this because these are inverse functions.

This wojack is a homage to some Serbian who was shilling Lukyon on the soy wojak forum. He also used this "neutral feraljak".

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Why are you not at the math room https://depvana.com/topic/202

let's gather around mathematics there. As a start, I need examples of a real problem where complex numbers are used to derive a real solution?

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So what are the real numbers that neither rational or irrational.
That subset is empty and the diagram doesn't say otherwise

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Post diff eqs and their solutions.
14 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click here to view.

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how did i not see this lol i have a wide collection


Let's first solve for the complementary solution, which is the general solution to the complementary equation

The characteristic polynomial for the complementary equation is
, so
λ=±2\lambda=\pm \sqrt{2}
. Hence, the complementary solution is
for some constants
. Now let's find the particular solution using variation of parameters. Using the two basis solutions of the complementary solution,
, we construct the Wronskian and get
W(ex2,ex2)(x)=ex2ex2(ex2)(ex2)=22W\left(e^{-x\sqrt{2}},\, e^{x\sqrt2}\right)(x) = \begin{vmatrix} e^{-x\sqrt{2}} & e^{x\sqrt{2}}\\ \left(e^{-x\sqrt{2}}\right)' & \left(e^{x\sqrt{2}}\right)' \end{vmatrix} = 2\sqrt2

Hence, for the particular solution
, we have,
u1(x)=ln(x)y2(x) dxW(ex2,ex2)(x)=ln(x)ex2 dx22=14Ei(x2)14ex2ln(x) u_1(x) = - \int\frac{\ln(x)y_2(x)\text{ d}x}{W\left(e^{-x\sqrt{2}},\, e^{x\sqrt2}\right)(x)} = -\int\frac{\ln(x)e^{x\sqrt2}\text{ d}x}{2\sqrt2} = \frac{1}{4}\operatorname{Ei}\left(x\sqrt2\right)-\frac14 e^{x\sqrt2}\ln(x)

u2(x)=ln(x)y1(x) dxW(ex2,ex2)(x)=ln(x)ex2 dx22=14Ei(x2)14ex2ln(x) u_2(x) = \int\frac{\ln(x)y_1(x)\text{ d}x}{W\left(e^{-x\sqrt{2}},\, e^{x\sqrt2}\right)(x)} = \int\frac{\ln(x)e^{-x\sqrt2}\text{ d}x}{2\sqrt2} = \frac{1}{4}\operatorname{Ei}\left(-x\sqrt2\right)-\frac14 e^{-x\sqrt2}\ln(x)

The particular solution then is nothing but
yp(x)=u1(x)y1(x)+u2(x)y2(x)=(14Ei(x2)14ex2ln(x))ex2+(14Ei(x2)14ex2ln(x))ex2=14ex2(e2x2Ei(x2)+Ei(x2)2ex2ln(x)) y_p(x) = u_1(x)y_1(x)+u_2(x)y_2(x) = \left(\frac{1}{4}\operatorname{Ei}\left(x\sqrt2\right)-\frac14 e^{x\sqrt2}\ln(x)\right) e^{-x\sqrt2} + \left(\frac{1}{4}\operatorname{Ei}\left(-x\sqrt2\right)-\frac14 e^{-x\sqrt2}\ln(x)\right) e^{x\sqrt2}\\ = \frac14 e^{-x\sqrt2} \left( e^{2x\sqrt2}\operatorname{Ei}\left(-x\sqrt2\right) + \operatorname{Ei}\left(x\sqrt2\right) - 2e^{x\sqrt2}\ln(x) \right)

Thus the complete general solution is given by
y(x)=yc(x)+yp(x)=Aex2+Bex2+14ex2(e2x2Ei(x2)+Ei(x2)2ex2ln(x)) \boxed{y(x) = y_c(x) + y_p(x) = Ae^{-x\sqrt{2}}+Be^{x\sqrt2} + \frac14 e^{-x\sqrt2} \left( e^{2x\sqrt2}\operatorname{Ei}\left(-x\sqrt2\right) + \operatorname{Ei}\left(x\sqrt2\right) - 2e^{x\sqrt2}\ln(x) \right)}

Honestly, I never understood why we defined the notion of an "elementary" function the way we did. An elementary function from what I've seen is completely restricted to polynomials/rational powers, exponentials, and logarithms (trig/hyperbolic trig and their inverses are expressible in exponentials/logs), which is extremely limited.

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We have

Rewriting this gives
. This is a standard Bernoulli diffeq form
, which is solved by performing the substitution
. Using this substitution, which for our specific case is
ϕ=y12=y1\phi = y^{1-2} = y^{-1}
, we have
yy2+x+1y=xϕ+(x+1)ϕ=x\displaystyle -\frac{y'}{y^2} +\frac{x+1}{y} = -x \Longleftrightarrow \phi' + (x+1)\,\phi = -x

To make this substitution more rigorous (since it is less obvious), differentials can be used. Also, to account for this division and ensure we miss no solutions, we make sure to check when the denominators are equal to 0, which is
. Since plugging in
satisfies the diffeq, this is a constant solution. Then, using the integrating factor
exp(x+1 dx)=ex22+x\exp\left(\displaystyle\int x+1\text{ d}x\right) = e^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x}
, we get
ϕex22+x+(ex22+x)ϕ=xex22+x(ϕex22+x)dx=xex22+x dxϕex22+x=π2eerfi(x+12)ex22+x+Cϕ=π2eerfi(x+12)ex22+x+Cex22+x \begin{align*} \phi'e^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x} + \left(e^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x}\right)'\phi &= -xe^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x}\\ \int\left(\phi \,e^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x}\right)'\text{d}x &= \int-xe^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x}\text{ d}x\\ \phi \, e^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x} &= \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2e}}\operatorname{erfi}\left(\frac{x+1}{\sqrt{2}} \right)-e^{\frac{x^{2}}{2}+x}+C\\ \phi &= \frac{\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2e}}\operatorname{erfi}\left(\frac{x+1}{\sqrt{2}} \right)-e^{\frac{x^{2}}{2}+x}+C}{e^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x}} \end{align*}

Undoing our substitution, we have, for the positive Dawson Integral
D+(x)=π2ex2erfi(x)D_+(x) = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}2e^{-x^2}\operatorname{erfi}(x)
ϕ=y1=π2eerfi(x+12)ex22+x+Cex22+x=2D+(x+12)1+Cex22x\displaystyle \phi = y^{-1} = \frac{\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2e}}\operatorname{erfi}\left(\frac{x+1}{\sqrt{2}} \right)-e^{\frac{x^{2}}{2}+x}+C}{e^{\frac{x^2}{2}+x}} = \sqrt{2}\,D_+\left(\frac{x+1}{\sqrt2}\right)-1+Ce^{-\frac{x^2}{2}-x}

    y(x)=0,12D+(x+12)1+Cex22x\displaystyle\implies \boxed{y(x)=0, \qquad \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\,D_+\left(\frac{x+1}{\sqrt2}\right)-1+Ce^{-\frac{x^2}{2}-x}}}
I should add to this thread, given I'm study differential equations and have to memorize how to sovle stuff like this.

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Hello Mathchan. I'm not in math or anybody important, so I've found it basically impossible to communicate my ideas, but attached is a pdf outlining an idea for a proof of the Collatz conjecture I came up with about a year ago. The proof is based on a paper by Mandelbrot:

I can't attest if it's correct or not, but really I'm just posting this because I wanted it archived so that maybe some day someone will find value in it. Also you can do whatever you want with it, rewrite it or whatever.
interesting, will read later
I would welcome any criticism of it.

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Talk maths.
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Wouldn't it be an improper integral over the complex plane?
Rediscovered something cute

Trying to classify what ideals fail the weak lefschetz property
do u have moar?