What is Mathchan?

Mathchan is an anonymous imageboard for mathematicians, engineers, software developers and scientists. It features an easy way of embedding formulas, diagrams, figures, graphs and code inside user posts in order to enable effective communication of mathematical thought. To post on Mathchan, you must be able to solve Mathchan's custom captcha which is intended to disable both robots and insufficiently qualified users from posting.

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Computer Science

R: 17 / I: 0 am i being obtuse?


R: 50 / I: 6 Is thrembo real? It's an integer between 6 and 7.


R: 20 / I: 1 If you had a math exam and you could use your phone with internet while attempting the paper, what service would you use to solve questions?
-Propositional Calculus
-Methods of Proof
-Boolean Algebra and Circuits
-Sets, Relations and Functions
-Some more Counting Principles
-Partitions and Distributions


R: 24 / I: 3



>Of these 24 questions, Wei Dongyi completed 23 and a half, a record that even his coach was amazed by. He often solved all the questions in the first hour of the test. Many of the methods he used were self-invented and were much more concise than the standard processes, and became known as the "Wei Method".

In this competition, Wei beat the legendary Tao Zhexuan, who taught himself calculus at the age of seven and won the IMO gold medal at the age of 12, by a time ratio of 1:7. Tao Zhexuan was invited to solve the sixth problem of the finale, which took him seven hours, while Wei Dongyi took only one hour in the competition.

Is it really impossible to be like him with just learning and studying more? Is it really over, is only option actually suicide? Please be brutally honest, I don't want any false hope.(Even though I know the answer)


R: 52 / I: 3 When did you realize that the reals are fake?
Mathematics can do without infinities.


R: 18 / I: 3

List of differential equations

Post diff eqs and their solutions.


R: 36 / I: 4

Name the blurry books

Please name all the books in picrel. Also review the curriculum shown. Are the books shown in the picrel enough to cover the mentioned topics. If so how long would it take.


R: 21 / I: 2

If you solve the Brocard Problem, you IQ is at least 80.

What I said in the subject. It's so easy to prove. Search the problem and solve it, simple as that.


R: 15 / I: 2

/mg/ - maths general "altchan edition"

Talk maths.


R: 16 / I: 0 no eureka for today, gentlemen


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