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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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Do you thing that there is a chance of a cataclysmic pre-history?

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Is aryan invasion real? I'm starting to think that the whole thing is massive scam by 19 century linguists.
aryan invasion ? completely wrong
aryan migration ? maybe maybe....
Its real, genetics prove it doesn't it?
What is unbelievable is, a human movement from 4000 years ago still has tangible effects on future of certain communities in India. Indian politics is wack

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i don't think genetic proves a bunch of people lived in bumfuck siberia a few thousands years ago and all the mythical things people say about them
I thought it was academic consensus that indo european homeland was somewhere somewhere between Caucasus and northern iran. What is your take on it? Stuff like sintashta culture exist right? from which Indo iranians (i.e.Aryans) are supposed to have migrated outwards. Of course I haven't done much deep research into it, I have bought Reich's book but yet to read it

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You will never have Judeo-Mediterraneanism
What's so great about it?