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Frequently Asked Questions

This is an index of commonly asked questions surrounding Mathchan itself. More questions may be added in the future.

What is Mathchan?

Mathchan is an anonymous image board like 2chan, 4chan, Lainchan and many others. Our target users are future and current mathematicians, scientists and engineers or generally anybody who professes interest in these subjects.

Your level does not matter. You may be doing your Ph.D, or you may still be in high school.

While browsing other sites or image boards is certainly not necessary in order to browse Mathchan, you may find Mathchan particularly enjoyable if you browse any of the following boards on 4chan:

How do I use Mathchan's formatting?

Mathchan's markup language is very similar to LaTeX. In fact, we strive to make integration with LaTeX seamless as possible! Our eventual goal is that any LaTeX code may be rendered in lightning speed and seamlessly embedded directly into Mathchan posts.
The following are some examples of formatting you may use on Mathchan.
Command substitutes
\eqn{...}       - Equation
\math{...} - Inline equation
\icode{...} - Inline code block
\code{...} - Code block
\textbf{...} - Bold text
\textit{...} - Italic text
\underline{...} - Underline text
\cite{...} - Cite a post number
\spoiler{...} - Spoiler text
\chemfig{...} - Render a chemical figure
Line substitutes
These have to be put at the beginning of the line
> ...    - Greentext (common feature among anonymous image boards)
,, ... - Equation (inspired by TeXit bot on Discord)
% ... - Comment line (hidden, but visible by clicking the </> button)
\[ ... \]                                  - Equation (KaTeX)
\( ... \) - Inline equation (KaTeX)
\` ... \` - Inline code block
``` ... ``` - Code block
\begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture} - Embed a tikz picture as svg
\begin{circuitikz} ... \end{circuitikz} - Embed a circuitikz picture as svg

For now, this is an incomprehensive list of features Mathchan currently supports
A full list of markup substitutes will be available on the Mathchan Wiki.

What about other questions?

For any further questions, you may ask in the /meta/ board by creating a thread or posting in an existing thread.