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/math/ - Mathematics

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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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File: 3-adic integers with dual colorings.png ( 660.99 KB , 1200x1200 , 1641009124540.png )

This board is for the discussion of mathematics.

Equations can be embedded in multiple ways:
  • \eqn{...}
    command substitutions
  • \[ ... \]
    \( ... \)
    block substitutions
  • $$ ... $$
    $ ... $
    special block substitutions
  • \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}
    \begin{math} ... \end{math}
  • by starting a line with
    like one commonly would with >greentext.

Matrices can be embedded by using
\begin{matrix} ... \end{matrix}
\begin{array} ... \end{array}
environments in any of the above ways to embed equations, or by starting a line with
and using
symbols to delineate between columns and rows respectively.

Arrays can be embedded by using
\begin{array}{c|c:c} ... \end{array}
environment in any of the above ways to embed equations, or by starting a line with
and using
symbols to delineate between columns and rows respectively. NOTE:
is only one example of vertical separation (solid and dotted). Horizontal separation can be accomplished by using

Alignments can be done by using
\begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned}
in any of the above ways to embed equations, or by starting a line with
and then using
symbols to start new lines and using
symbol to specify how to align each line (usually, you want it attached to the equals sign, like

File: tikz-cd-doc.pdf ( 264.95 KB , 1641011017028.pdf )

Mathchan supports embedding commutative diagrams:
AaBbcC=D \qquad\begin{CD} A @>a>> B \\ @VbVV @AAcA \\ C @= D \end{CD}

This can be done by using the
\begin{CD} ... \end{CD}
environment in any of the above ways to to embed equations, or by specifying your code after starting a line with

If KaTeX's support is insufficient, diagrams can rendered using the
command or by using the
\begin{tikzcd} ... \end{tikzcd}
For example, pasting the following excerpt from the attached PDF (TikZ-CD manual):

\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=scriptsize, column sep=scriptsize]
   & f^* E_V \arrow[dl] \arrow[rr] \arrow[dd] & & E_V \arrow[dl] \arrow[dd] \\
   f^* E \arrow[rr, crossing over] \arrow[dd] & & E \\
   & U \arrow[dl] \arrow[rr] & & V \arrow[dl] \\
   M \arrow[rr] & & N \arrow[from=uu, crossing over]\\

Will render as the following figure on Mathchan:

The drawback is that you will have to pause typing and wait until the diagram renders while KaTeX can be displayed instantaneously.
It is recommended that you compile any LaTeX code yourself - or in Overleaf - before attempting to paste it on Mathchan.