>But questions will facilitate discussionsWell, first of all, I want to clear up the vision for the kind of content that Mathchan looks to host. The
potentially surprising truth is that I don't actually want there to be much of a discussion on the on-topic boards such as /math/. Let me put it like this: 4chan is known to have image dumping boards such as /gif/, /wsg/, /c/, /cm/, /w/ etc. Similarly, Mathchan's boards are intended to be dumping grounds for mathematical knowledge, and that is supposed to be their primary purpose. If there's a thread about calculus, I want people to dump everything there is to know about calculus, just like if there's a thread about K-On on /c/, anons dump any images that pertain to K-On, even though they don't even necessarily discuss K-On at all.
You may pick a book, make a thread, and post every single theorem in the book, with zero discussion. That thread is, in fact, what I would consider to be an
ideal Mathchan thread. Discussions in the thread are not forbidden of course, but they are only secondary. The primary objective of Mathchan is to have as much mathematical content as possible, and only the secondary objective is to enable discussion of this content. You should try have those order of priorities in mind.
What this means in practice is that if you make a thread on, for example, combinatorics, you should focus on posting everything you personally find interesting or important combinatorics. You should not tailor your thread in such a way invite other users in (e.g. "Does anybody here know combinatorics?" "Does anybody wanna try this problem?") and you should focus solely on posting about combinatorics itself. If other users contribute problems to your thread or eventually take over your thread, that's fine. If nobody does, that's also fine. The point is, you should just create a thread on any topic you want, and elaborate on it for how many posts you want, with
little to no regard to whether there's anybody who actually cares about that topic and will post in your thread.
The bottom line: please treat Mathchan as more of a
content dump (i.e. more like 4chan /c/), and less of a
discussion forum (i.e. less like 4chan /a/).
Ideally, reading Mathchan threads should fee
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