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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

9 / 6 / 3 / ?

File: lukyongreeting.png ( 7.64 KB , 335x279 , 1640978397559.png )

It has been a week since Mathchan has been launched into existence - last Saturday on Christmas, 25th of December 2021. Today, it's New Year's eve. Mathchan wishes you all a Happy New Year! We hope you continue following us as we make this website ever more useful and, hopefully by the end 2022, we will make it feature complete and bug free.

To celebrate this occasion, Mathchan implemented a new feature today - one without which Mathchan would certainly be unusable: instantaneous post prevewing. The feature is toggled by checking the Preview Post check box, or by pressing ALT + P while focused inside the comment text field. Upon activation, a new section will appear rendered identically as it would be if you posted it. Almost all of Mathchan's markup can be rendered instantaneously. The commands that cannot be rendered instantaneously are the ones which require server rendering, such as
. To render these, simply stop typing for 25 seconds and they will be automatically rendered too.

In the first week of our existence, we were raided by the folks from Soyjak Party. Because they are among the first users of Mathchan (and thus Mathchan's historical oldfags), I have banned none of them - in fact, two global emojis were added in order to honor your legacy to this website - soyjak and thrembo . In addition, to accommodate our visiting guests from Soyjak Party better, a new board - /ret/ - Retards - was created. Users from Soyjak Party are welcome to continue their ironic funposting in /ret/ - Retards and /test/ - Testing/Spamming boards, as well as voice their criticism against the scientific establishment in /sss/ - Stuff Scientists Say board.

That is all for today.

Once again, happy new year!

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Lukyon I love you, Happy New Years <3
While you're at it, this is completely unusable on chromium dark mode because the text becomes the same color as the background.
I wish I could turn dark mode off. I really do.
>this is completely unusable on chromium dark mode
What is? Only the preview feature, or the site as a whole?

>I wish I could turn dark mode off. I really do.
The focus is on core functionality but Mathchan will certainly have a dark mode developed later.

File: Screenshot_20220102-115106_Bromite.jpg ( 468.89 KB , 720x1600 , 1641153772712.jpg )

OP text but also a lot of other things. See pic related. Bromite 96, same happens in desktop Chromium.

I don't phonepost often but I wanted to check it out while I was away from my computer which has a shitty gruvbox stylish CSS I wrote when the site was first released to the public.

File: 2022-01-02T12:05:45,295493231-08:00.png ( 1.08 MB , 1713x963 , 1641154045553.png )

same shit different browser
excuse the blurryness this is through xwayland because i couldn't be bothered to setup something i don't use

File: chromium.png ( 245.85 KB , 1876x457 , 1641156047417.png )

It looks like your browser is inverting lightness, so the text color ends up clashing with the background.

You'll have to either ad block the background:

Or you'll have to use the Stylus extension and add the following rule
body { background: #2f2f2f; }

Or you'll have to wait until Mathchan gets a dark theme.

>pic rel
How it should look like in stock Chromium.

File: 2022-01-02T14:27:25,491374975-08:00.png ( 52.23 KB , 616x152 , 1641162505400.png )

yeah that's fine, again i wrote a stylish CSS anyway and considering this is quite new i don't expect everything to work ootb

by the way, it seems like when you delete threads/posts they are just deleted in the database, or something idk how vichan works but point is that they're still accessible, just hidden
files however seem to be gone

as a result i have recovered some old threads and many test threads on this board alone
what will i do with them? i don't know, but i have them

anyways, cool site lukyon (and from what i hear, friends)
let's make this chan great
>by the way, it seems like when you delete threads/posts they are just deleted in the database, or something idk how vichan works but point is that they're still accessible, just hidden
There are also hidden boards like >>>/polsci/ and a few others.

Some threads are actually still in the database but hidden, while those that you recovered were residual due to a bug because this site is kludgy as fuck. It will take some time to make it stable, which is why we don't advertise this site anywhere despite it being online. Though there is nothing in those threads except embarassing shitposts and test posts to amuse yourself (like this one https://mathchan.org/meta/thread/236)

>10 Aug 2021
Added dark theme to Mathchan.
Hopefully it will make the website more usable for a lot of people.