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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

8 / 3 / 5 / ?

File: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg ( 74.79 KB , 976x850 , 1640472288612.jpg )

You do realize most 4channers are borderline retarded right? Yes even including the pseuds on /sci/, /g/, and /lit/. Why waste server money on a website like this when you could just use Quora or Overflow or Reddit or something?
Also here are some suggestions I have:
>this will no doubt be a slow board so make an overboard page to index all posts across the site
>email the admin of https://bvffalo.land/ to catalog your chan for more publicity

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The nature of 4chan is to funpost, not to have a serious discussion, so whether anons are retarded or pretending to be retarded is unknown.

As for what this website offers that Reddit, Quora and Stack Exchange sites don't, the F.A.Q. mentions this site is also supposed to be a proof of concept where you should be able to embed any real LaTeX code into your posts. For example, inserting a simple code snippet like
into your post is going to render as

When instantaneous post preview becomes available the convenience of formatting your post this way over rendering TikZ pictures yourself and taking a screenshot of them will become obvious.

Not to mention those are corporate sites. They will never allow the things 4chan allows while Mathchan might. There is a demand for a site like this because /g/ and /sci/ have been complaining about their boards for ages. And while /g/ has Lainchan they can go to, /sci/ doesn't have its own alt-chan and this is my attempt of giving them a platform.

>email the admin of https://bvffalo.land/ to catalog your chan for more publicity
I will look into that, but the website is not technically ready yet and it'll likely a year before all the planned features are implemented. This is an early release for
- testing purposes (people can freely use Mathchan but expect stuff to be broken) and if chan indexers want to index Mathchan anyway they are also free to do that. Thanks for your suggestions!

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I admire your initiative if nothing else, this website has potential and it will be impressive if you can pull off the features you have planned. I'll visit in the future, I like science enough to know that the molecule embedded in your post is 1,3-isobenzofurandione.
Quora is horrible.

Bvffalo.land is a great way to invite unwanted attention to any board. The indexers never seem to put much thought behind their lists. It's not like they'll respect you emailing them to be taken off once they eventually find your site.
I suggested bvffalo.land because it accepts slow chans with small communities. allchans.org is better but they don't accept most additions. Shilling the site on 4chan is an alternative but it's difficult because mods will ban you for advertising.
>doesn't accept all chans
heh, ironic.
That's reasonable. What's most important is the longevity/continuity of a community.
I stumbled across this board by accident from DuckDuckGo. So far I love it. I was looking for math discussion.