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/meta/ - Meta Questions

  • Press the Get Captcha button to get a new captcha
  • Find the correct answer and type the key in TYPE CAPTCHA HERE
  • Press the Publish button to make a post
  • Incorrect answer to the captcha will result in an immediate ban.
Password (For file deletion.)

25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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It has been a little over two weeks since Mathchan became public. For those of you that celebrated eastern Christmas on January 7th: merry Christmas! Last week, we had Mathchan's dark theme added along with some general usability features. The site is certainly ready enough to be used to discuss mathematics considering LaTeX and preview are fully functional. In addition, certain boards have seen their own domain specific features implemented, namely:
  1. /math/ - Mathematics now supports embedding commutative diagrams,
  2. /chem/ - Chemistry now supports embedding chemical figures,
  3. /ee/ - Electrical Engineering now supports embeddnig circuits, through CircuiTikZ.

Each of these boards have gotten their own sticky detailing how to use those given features. We are now looking forward to enable embedding Feynman diagrams for /phd/ - Physics, data strutures for /cs/ - Computer Science and neural networks for /ai/ - Articial Intelligence. When they are done, they will get their own stickies as well. Afterwards, the next three boards will receive attention and so on. Every board is going to get its own sticky detailing the specific features Mathchan offers to the board to aid discussion of its topic.

Note that we already support embedding a lot of imagery through TikZ. For example, we can embed data structures such as binary trees through TikZ's trees library like the following:

Reminder that you can view the source code of any post by pressing the
button and copy paste it in your post to try it yourself by pressing the Preview Post checkbox to see how your post is going to come out without posting, or you can try posting in /test/ - Testing/Spamming. Now if you check the source code of this post, you would see exactlyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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please come back ;-; i miss you so much its been a year

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Can we have a cognitive testing board please /ct/ I think it would be cool
>new board
You don't post

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cool captcha system, but seems to be more of a knowledge check than an intelligence check. Maybe that's intentional, but it will preclude some good thinkers from participating in discussion.

I bring this up because programmers (such as myself) may get filtered syntactically by math, but still would be able to provide a solution if the content itself was presented in a better format. Maybe that's the point since this is a imageboard for math autists, but this holds potential to be an aristocrat/elitist's imageboard if it was more syntactically neutral, but hey, that's just me.
8 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click here to view.
stop being an indian.
I'm European.
>programmers (such as myself) may get filtered
Fellow programmer with relatively weak maths skills here. (Although I'm working on it, because I want to learn about electromagnetism.)

Maybe it's changed since you posted this, but currently I think it's good as-is. My degree was remarkably light on maths but I still covered enough logic/graph theory stuff to answer most of the captchas I've seen. To be honest, programmers who can't answer any of the current question bank probably haven't studied enough theory to make good contributions or ask good questions.

Also it really helps that the questions are multiple-choice, because it removes the need to fully/properly solve the problem. You just need to get close enough to either rule out the wrong answers or do a brute force check.
e.g. for a question about subgraphs, I worked out the answer for a small value of n by hand/intuition and then plotted the functions given. Only one matched up. Easy peasy.
For another question about cartesian products, I just wrote a tiny bit of javascript.

tldr, it's fine, keep it.
It's alright!
Testing captcha

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dear lukyon, i hope this post find you well,
i am writeing to inform you of an issue i have found with this quaint site of yours, being that the "sort by" function at the top of the catalog does nothing
there arent enough posts for this to be really needed but it is still very broken
ps- the captcha wasnt that hard, i can see them with no higher maths education
lots of love - anonomous

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Why are there so many boards when this site has like two posters?
I agree, feels like overkill. I guess Lukyon just got carried away a little.
There is a lot of deletion going on these days,right?
You should check:
Are your new images copyright free?
sneed (I am bored and just answering the captchas for fun)

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I like the theme and the board selection is good
I think this chan could be successful if you keep it looking like a normal site for normal people instead of letting it devolve into an anime spam tranny cesspool like every other chan
Good luck with the site

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Thank you! New website features are planned to be published on Saturday which are going to make Mathchan a lot more usable and much more resilient to spammers.

The rules are lax for now because there is no discussion happening yet in order to disrupt it.

I am well aware of Soyjak Party raiding Mathchan, as well as the specific thread on /raid/, but I have banned nobody because there is no reason to and it may be said Soyjak Party is ostensibly helping with Mathchan's preliminary testing. You guys are welcome to continue funposting on Mathchan boards as long as you don't give me a lot of work to do so I can focus on my development.

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I had an idea for an imageboard just like this one some time ago but never put work into it because I can't into webdev. What great joy I had when I saw this! Wishing the best of luck to this imageboard.

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Lukyon is a good guy.

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Mathchan captcha questions.
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

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Does one get permanently or temporarily banned after a wrong answer?

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you get banned only for 15 minutes
Can we please have some more practice questions. There is very few avalible. I saw a while ago on 4chan's /g/ someone made a captcha thing where it was an IQ Matrix test that each answer corresponded to a number, and then you plugged that number into a polynomial you obtained through differentiation. Perhaps if the code is free to use you could use it. Although the questions are very straight forwards idk. Moar questions plz.

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Greetings anons, I think this board shows a looooooot of potential! However, due to the number of math-oriented individuals being low in imageboard circles, this board isn't receiving a lot of traffic. I think we should strategize on how we can reach out to other non-imageboard math communities and convince them to pay us a visit!
>due to the number of math-oriented individuals being low in imageboard circles, this board isn't receiving a lot of traffic
I think that literally nobody knows about it.
Turn on the overboard! Nobody wants to hunt through the boards for new posts every time they check the site.
This. Do it lukyon.
I wanted to discuss my work in /cs/ only to find no threads. Would it be in poor form to make a thread for discussing my work?
I don't think it'd be poor to do that.