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/math/ - Mathematics

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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

16 / 1 / 13 / ?

File: IMG_20220728_170542.jpg ( 2.89 MB , 2490x3106 , 1659038887951.jpg )

no eureka for today, gentlemen
You are trying to derive cubic formula?
trying to use the same idea of ​​bisquare equations for a cubic equation...
Keep trying...sooner or later, you'll understand.
why not just use sage math? super ez to solve long equations
We'll get em next time buddy
Do you know Tschirnhaus transformation?? If yes you do, you'll can use it.
Not OP, but I derived it 2 days ago while using toilet.

And it was for the most basic version of the problem:

x3+x+a=0 x^3 + x + a = 0

But it can probably be transformed into any cubic formula if you set
x=sy+tx = sy+t
and multiply left side by some constant.

I didn't really derive it, I just guessed it should be in form:

x=p+q3+pq3 x = \sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q}

When I use it in the equation, I get:

(p+q3+pq3)3+p+q3+pq3+a=0 (\sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q})^3 + \sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q} + a = 0

p+q+3p+q3p+q3pq3+3p+q3pq3pq3+pq p + q + 3\sqrt[3]{p + q}\sqrt[3]{p + q}\sqrt[3]{p - q} + 3\sqrt[3]{p + q}\sqrt[3]{p - q}\sqrt[3]{p - q} + p - q

+p+q3+pq3+a=0 + \sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q} + a = 0

2p+3p+q3p2q23+3pq3p2q23+p+q3+pq3+a=0 2p + 3\sqrt[3]{p + q}\sqrt[3]{p^2 - q^2} + 3\sqrt[3]{p - q}\sqrt[3]{p^2 - q^2} + \sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q} + a = 0

2p+3(p+q3+pq3)p2q23+p+q3+pq3+a=0 2p + 3(\sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q})\sqrt[3]{p^2 - q^2} + \sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q} + a = 0

(2p+a)+(1+3p2q23)(p+q3+pq3)=0 (2p + a) + ( 1 + 3\sqrt[3]{p^2 - q^2})(\sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q}) = 0

In order for this equation to be satisfied I'll break this equation in two:

{2p+a=0(1+3p2q23)(p+q3+pq3)=0 \begin{cases} 2p + a = 0 \\ ( 1 + 3\sqrt[3]{p^2 - q^2})(\sqrt[3]{p + q} + \sqrt[3]{p - q}) = 0 \end{cases}

{p=a21+3p2q23=0 \begin{cases} p = -\frac{a}{2} \\ 1 + 3\sqrt[3]{p^2 - q^2} = 0 \end{cases}

Then we solve

1+3a24q23=01 + 3\sqrt[3]{-\frac{a^2}{4} - q^2} = 0

a24q23=13\sqrt[3]{-\frac{a^2}{4} - q^2} = -\frac{1}{3}

a24q2=127-\frac{a^2}{4} - q^2 = -\frac{1}{27}

q2=a24+127q^2 = -\frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}

q=a24+127q = \sqrt{-\frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}}

and thus:

x=a2+a24+1273+a2a24+1273 x = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{a}{2} + \sqrt{-\frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}}} + \sqrt[3]{-\frac{a}{2} - \sqrt{-\frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}}}

Also shoutout to the admin. Some fan of Lukyon on soyjak.sharty thinks that you are the good person to discover if manga Lukyon is a virgin. A bit silly question, but he really begged me to ask it. :(
I've never thought math in the toilet, but this morning I tried it and I found a root for radicals of (2k+1)th-degree equations, THANKS dude! I hope in tomorrow. I'm not OP.
To be honest talking about pooping is a bit cringe for me, but you won't get bored on a toilet if you do maths. :)
Also I had error in >>631

I left minus after squaring and the end should be like this:

"Then we solve

1+3a24q23=01 + 3\sqrt[3]{\frac{a^2}{4} - q^2} = 0

a24q23=13\sqrt[3]{\frac{a^2}{4} - q^2} = -\frac{1}{3}

a24q2=127\frac{a^2}{4} - q^2 = -\frac{1}{27}

q2=a24+127q^2 = \frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}

q=a24+127q = \sqrt{\frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}}

and thus:

x=a2+a24+1273+a2a24+1273 x = \sqrt[3]{-\frac{a}{2} + \sqrt{\frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}}} + \sqrt[3]{-\frac{a}{2} - \sqrt{\frac{a^2}{4} + \frac{1}{27}}}

Also shoutout to the admin. Some fan of Lukyon on soyjak.sharty thinks that you are the good person to discover if manga Lukyon is a virgin. A bit silly question, but he really begged me to ask it. :("
Why are you complitated your life?
There are at least two different easy ways to solve

One of these is

y3+a3y3+(3a+p)(y+ay) y^3+\frac{a^3}{y^3}+(3a+p)\left(y+\frac{a}{y}\right)
{3a+p=0a=p3y6+qy3p327=0\begin{cases} 3a+p=0\Rightarrow a=-\frac{p}{3} \\y^6+qy^3-\frac{p^3}{27}=0 \end{cases}

y3=q2q24+p327y^3=-\frac{q}{2}\mp \sqrt{\frac{q^2}{4}+ \frac{p^3}{27}}

x=q2+q24+p3273+p3q2+q24+p3273\boxed{x=\sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2}+\sqrt{\frac{q^2}{4}+ \frac{p^3}{27}}}+\frac{-\frac{p}{3}}{\sqrt[3]{-\frac{q}{2}+\sqrt{\frac{q^2}{4}+ \frac{p^3}{27}}}}}
Because I love reinventing the wheel
Emoji Image you are started from solution when you wrote
x=sqrt[3]p+q+sqrt[3]pq x=sqrt[3]{p+q}+sqrt[3]{p-q}

If you reinvente the wheel how do you solve
x5+px2+qx+t=0 x^5+px^2+qx+t=0
x6+ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 x^6+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0
? Emoji Image
Me again, edit: when you wrote
x=p+q3+pq3 x=\sqrt[3]{p+q}+\sqrt[3]{p-q}
sorry for the mistakes Emoji Image
I said that I guessed it. I kinda remembered the outlook of the original solution with the sum of two cubic roots, but I didn't remember what was inside.