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/math/ - Mathematics

  • Press the Get Captcha button to get a new captcha
  • Find the correct answer and type the key in TYPE CAPTCHA HERE
  • Press the Publish button to make a post
  • Incorrect answer to the captcha will result in an immediate ban.
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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

7 / 1 / 7 / ?

File: 8-41-08.png ( 285.09 KB , 2220x892 , 1713077717968.png )

I know absolutely nothing about math, my knowledge is basically stuck to 7th grade stuff at best.
That said, even I can tell those wrong captcha answers are nonsensical, to the point I can easily get around verification by simply guessing the right answer.

Just a heads-up
I don't have any knowledge either because school is gay. x and y are at least 2 apart, so it's 2019*2017. Get logical reasoning gapped, nerds.
The answer is [math]2017 \cdot 2018[/math]
I deeply regret showing my normalfag friends this site... forgive me mathchanners.
This board is being flooded with useless discussion
it's okay, all these posts will be drafted to /ret/ - retards soon