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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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what's the most important trig concept you remember?
I have a question on trigonometric hoping that is not OT: why in trig or, in general, in the module concept the number of cycles s is not considered?
for example: why 6 (mod 5) = 1 (mod 5) and is it not 11 (mod 5)?
sinx=acsinx = \frac{a}{c}

cosx=bccosx = \frac{b}{c}

tgx=abtgx = \frac{a}{b}

sin2x=1cos2xsin^2x = 1 - cos^2x

tgx=sinxcosxtgx = \frac{sinx}{cosx}

That are the most important "axioms" for me though. They helped me to get equation for coordinates of a sphere cut.

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ever do anything with this?

No, it was to get spherical coords (I mean longitude and latitude) of some plane cutting this sphere.
It had parameters like:
- radius of shpere
λ0,ϕ0\lambda_0, \phi_0
- parameters of a point of a sphere which is intersection of a line perpendicular to the plane and sphere.
- where
is distance from plane to the center of the sphere

I don't remember it now, but I remember that distance
was something like this:

cos(δ)=cos(λ)cos(ϕ)cos(\delta) = cos(\lambda)cos(\phi)

but I don't remember if it's really true even though it was a very nice and simple solution.

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They're all equally important. You need to know all of it so you have the best chance at finding the best u and v in an integral question.
That the squares of sine and cosine sum to 1. Or rather that R[sin,cos] is but R[x,y]/(1-x^2-y^2).
True, because that equation creates the whole unit circle.

Moduloing by m partitions the number line into m partitions. 6, being 1m + 1, is equivalent to 11 because it's 2m + 1. Your number of cycles would be the multiplier of m.

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Writing sin and cos in terms of exponentials has served me quite well in complex analysis lol :)
Well, but actually 11 is in base 5 and not in base 10 in fact you wrote 6 in base 10, being 1m+1 that have an extra turn that it is not counted, why?