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/math/ - Mathematics

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How to solve an equation?
Which equation?
Idk about equations, but I remember my worst blackpill in the field of math: not all math problems can be solved. At least using ZF(C), but there is probably no stronger system of axioms. At least for humans.
You don't
Perform ten rounds of Newton-Raphson (in your head of course).
eliminate all incorrect answers and then see what remains
complete the operations
How come humans can't solve math but someone else can? God can't solve unsolvable math problems because math is just describing the nature of something.
What's an equation?
multiply both sides by 0
Linear maps
By not posting tranime
This is unironically an extremely good question. What is the general method for a computer to compute ANALYTICALLY the solution to any kind of equation, aka the zeroes of a function in a field taking any number of inputs.
>Newton-Raphson for R^n
>Fermat little-Theorem for prime-characteristic fields
These are exemples of explicit solution methods for definite classes of equations. I am talking about an oracle than solves even in non-closed form expression.