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Atiyah and Macdonald's "Introduction to Commutative Algebra" and Reid's "Undergraduate Commutative Algebra" are both excellent introductory texts on the subject of commutative algebra. They cover many of the basic concepts and results, and both have a clear and accessible writing style.

Matsumura's "Commutative Ring Theory" is also a very good text and covers more advanced topics, such as dimension theory and Cohen-Macaulay rings. It also has a more algebraic geometric flavor than the other two books.

Bosch's "Commutative Algebra" is another great reference. It provides a more geometric perspective on commutative algebra and it covers many of the same topics as Atiyah-MacDonald and Reid, but in more depth and with more geometric intuition.

Taken together, these books should provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject of commutative algebra. Additionally, there are many other resources available online such as lecture notes, videos, and problem sets that can help you understand better.