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Viewing source code

The following is the source code for post >>>/math/145

The brain dump of a managerie of often contracdictory and fantastic characters, from a mossad member turned professor, to an indian student turned part time street criminal, a homeless poet in philly, an ex-skin head, a former chinese investment banker, the owner of a multimillion dollar startup, two military veterans, and a cast of other folks.

The result of a a simple discovery that a rich set of algebraic identities underlay the product of large primes. 

For example, a series of variables related to n unknown value, d4, easily derived from known variables. d4a, d4u, d4z, d4H, etc.
Or c/d4, neither known by themselves, but the ratio of which is easily found, and the *product* of which, cd4, is the ratio of our product's factors, b/a.

Be warned the code is thick, mostly written by an indian guy, and translated by the rest of us over time. It is 198 pages of dense work, defining so many variables the original authors resorted to greek letters and elements from the periodic table for naming. 

Good luck.
