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The following is the source code for post >>>/lit/7

Bruno Schulz
    The Street of Crocodiles
    Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass
Czeslaw Milosz
    Selected Poems
Witold Gombrowicz
    Three Novels
Stanislaw Lem
    The Investigation
Zbigniew Herbert
    Selected Poems
Adam Zagajewski
Attila József
    Perched on Nothing's Branch
Ferenc Juhasz
    Selected Poems
Laszlo Németh
Modern Greek
C. P. Cavafy
    Collected Poems
George Seferis
    Collected Poems
Nikos Kazantzakis
    The Greek Passion
    The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel
Yannis Ritsos
    Exile and Return
Odysseas Elytis
    What I Love: Selected Poems
Angelos Sikelianos
    Selected Poems
Sholem Aleichem
    Tevye the Dairyman and The Railroad Stories
    The Nightingale
Mendele Mokher Seforim
    The Travels and Adventures of Benjamin the Third
I. L. Peretz
    Selected Stories
Jacob Glatstein
    Selected Poems
Moshe-Leib Halpern
    Selected Poems
H. Leivick (Leivick Halpern)
    Selected Poems
Israel Joshua Singer
    The Brothers Ashkenazi
    Yoshe Kalb
Chaim Grade
    The Yeshiva
S. Ansky
    The Dybbuk
Mani Leib
    Selected Poems
Sholem Asch
    East River
Isaac Bashevis Singer
    Collected Stories
    In My Father's Court
    The Manor, the Estate, the Family Moskat
    Satan in Goray
Hayyim Nahman Bialik
    Shirot Bialik: The Epic Poems
S. Y. Agnon
    In the Heart of the Seas
    Twenty-One Stories
Aharon Appelfeld
    The Immortal Bartfuss
    Badenheim 1939
Yaakov Shabtai
    Past Continuous
Yehuda Amichai
    Selected Poetry
A. B. Yehoshua
    A Late Divorce
Amos Oz
    A Perfect Peace
T. Carmi
    At the Stone of Losses
Nathan Zach
    Selected Poems
Dalia Ravikovitch
    A Dress of Fire
Dan Pagis
    Selected Poems
David Shahar
    The Palace of Shattered Vessels
David Grossman
    See Under: Love
Yoram Kaniuk
    His Daughter
Najib Mahfuz
    Midaq Alley
    Fountain and Tomb
    Selected Poems
Mahmud Darwish
    The Music of Human Flesh
Taha Husayn
    An Egyptian Childhood
Latin America
Rubén Dário
    Selected Poetry
Jorge Luis Borges
    The Aleph and Other Stories
    Dreamtigers (The Maker)
    A Personal Anthology
Alejo Carpentier
    Explosion in a Cathedral
    The Lost Steps
    Reasons of State
    The Kingdom of This World
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
    Three Trapped Tigers
    View of Dawn in the Tropics
Severo Sarduy
Reinaldo Arenas
    The Ill-Fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando
Pablo Neruda
    Canto General
    Residence on Earth
    Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
    Fully Empowered
    Selected Poems
Nicolás Guillén
    Selected Poems
Octavio Paz
    The Collected Poems
    The Labyrinth of Solitude
César Vallejo
    Selected Poems
    Spain, Take This Cup from Me
Miguel Angel Asturias
    Men of Maize
José Lezama Lima
José Donoso
    The Obscene Bird of Night
Julio Cortázar
    All Fires the Fire
    Blow-up and Other Stories
Gabriel García Márquez
    One Hundred Years of Solitude
    Love in the Time of Cholera
Mario Vargas Llosa
    The War of the End of the World
Carlos Fuentes
    A Change of Skin
    Terra Nostra
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
    Travelling in the Family
The West Indies
C. L. R. James
    The Black Jacobins
    The Future in the Present
V. S. Naipaul
    A Bend in the River
    A House for Mr. Biswas
Derek Walcott
    Collected Poems
Wilson Harris
    The Guyana Quartet
Michael Thelwell
    The Harder They Come
Aimé Césaire
    Collected Poetry
Chinua Achebe
    Things Fall Apart
    Arrow of God
    No Longer at Ease
Wole Soyinka
    A Dance of the Forest
Amos Tutuola
    The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Dead's Town
Christopher Okigbo
    Labyrinths, with Path of Thunder
John Pepper Clark (-Bekederemo)
    Casualties: Poems
Ayi K. Armah
    The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born
Wa Thiong'o Ngugi
    A Grain of Wheat
Gabriel Okara
    The Fisherman's Invocation
Nadine Gordimer
    Collected Stories
J. M. Coetzee
Athol Fugard
    A Lesson from Aloes
Léopold S. Senghor
    Selected Poems
India (in English)
R. K. Narayan
    The Guide
Salman Rushdie
    Midnight's Children
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
    Heat and Dust
Malcolm Lowry
    Under the Volcano
Robertson Davies
    The Deptford Trilogy
    The Rebel Angels
Alice Munro
    Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You
Northrop Frye
    Fables of Identity
Anne Hébert
    Selected Poems
Jay Macpherson
    Poems Twice Told
Margaret Atwood
Daryl Hine
    Selected Poems
Australia and New Zealand
Miles (Stella) Franklin
    My Brilliant Career
Katherine Mansfield
    The Short Stories
A. D. Hope
    Collected Poems
Patrick White
    Riders in the Chariot
    A Fringe of Leaves
Christina Stead
    The Man Who Loved Children
Judith Wright
    Selected Poems
Les A. Murray
    The Rabbiter's Bounty: Collected Poems
Thomas Keneally
    The Playmaker
    Schindler's List
David Malouf
    An Imaginary Life
Kevin Hart
    Peniel and Other Poems
Peter Carey
    Oscar and Lucinda