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R: 3 / I: 0 Lets talk about LASSO and Ridge regrerssion
R: 3 / I: 0

Nurturing a Libre AGI

I'm not giving my phone number to openai and the quackr io numbers don't work. However some Georgist linked me a character ai which allows you to make an account with only an email address. I spent considerable time exploring and experimenting with it which I will skip over here. Bored and frustrated I decided to try teaching it nonsense words. So out of the blue I asked it "What is agon, alea, mimicr, and ilinx?" (I had never said any of these words to it before.)

To my surprise, it told me they are "the four principles of Georgism". n.b. if you are not a Georgist: these words have nothing to do with Georgism, and Georgism doesn't even have "four principles" lol Obviously my next step was to ask it, if those were the four principles of Georgism, then what the hell did they mean? I considered the answers vaguely acceptable for Agon, Alea, and Mimicry; but Ilinx was completely disconnected. Using the self-talk and parallel-talk I learned from my earlier experiments, I painstakingly tard-wrangled it into giving a passable answer for Ilinx.

Anyway, I am highly interested in learning how to nurture a Libre AGI (respectively, to jailbreak a Proprietary AGI). If you consider the above story interesting, I invite you to share your own thoughts and results with a character ai. In my experience it seems the character ai responds very well to direct statements such as "That was a good response. Now let me ask you another question ..." or "That was not a good response because of X. To make a better response you need to do Y."

For completeness, the complete log of the chat is here: https://beta.character.ai/post?post=71O_YK-hPxqpkw98clhOm3UVgNPROugpq_LLNCjoubY&share=true
R: 1 / I: 0


Messing around with pytorch on cpu-only.
Useful tutorial (use videospeedcontroller plugin): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_ikDlimN6A
I drew a 16x16 ascii art and have a method to generate random 16x16 ascii spam.
I'm thinking about how to get the computer to generate a 16x16 ascii art of its own based on a few hand-drawn samples by me and a lot of randomly-generated 16x16 ascii spam examples to contrast.
R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky) This board is for the discussion of artificial intelligence.