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/fin/ - Finance

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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

8 / 2 / 8 / ?

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does this work
good books!
The only book you need is Graham's The Intelligent Investor
But you should read Buffett, too.
I mean only to a point... in a sense, this is a quasi-troll. at the end of the day, models are models and nothing more; black-scholes is a model and nothing more. obviously, some models are better than others, and, yes, the point of the poasting was to point out that some of the assumptions simply don't hold/ of varying mileage.

if you just want the quant job title, the poast is a complete fucking waste of time. you unironically would be better off studying linear regression and high school probability and counting competition questions at like AIME level, max, for 3 months than you would be spending whatever 9-12 months it would take to actually digest all of that material.
Wall street fooled evveryone with technical jargon for the 9billionth time??
They are openly telling you -black scholes- they are going to hell for their deceit.
-right eye covered
counterintelligence laughs at your demise while satan gets more souls in its shole.

don't be fooled.

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I had a friend who made half a million every month on options. Read Trading in the Zone
And why aren't you doing the same?