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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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Why are you not at the math room https://depvana.com/topic/202

let's gather around mathematics there. As a start, I need examples of a real problem where complex numbers are used to derive a real solution?

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In 2025, this thread will be about general discussions.

What do you intend to do 2025?
I want to learn something about Python in order to understand more about AI proramming.
Currently, I read something about logic.

So, what do you have in mind?
I think I will do the bare minimum in my theoretical physics course, and occasionally read about game theory
Untill know I read merely philosophical stuff about the question what is truth and some shortstories. I give up on the more exact stuff.

I will change.

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Hello all,

what do you think about 2023?

For my person, it was kind of bad, still better than the covid-years but not really good.

What do you expact for 2024? What are you plans?
This year was pretty good for me. Expect math next year.
Already wasted a whole month. Fugg
Now the 2nd.

I've not learn what I had planed to learn. In the next month, I plan to go into CS.

Wish me luck, anons.
How do you do in 2024?
Now, the year is nearly over and we are about to draw a conclusion.

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I love tea. I drink it without milk or sugar, because I'm interested in the flavor. I have a lot of tea leaves lying around, and it's fun to blend new variants. For example, there are breakfast and evening tea blends. The teas used in the breakfast blends tend to come from the India region, as they are stronger, however there is a unique flavor to tea from every region. Recently, I've blended Russian Caravan tea, which is based on the tea that traveled to Russia through the Mongolian steppes. As the tea traveled, it spent countless nights next to traders' campfires, imparting a smoky flavor that is still appreciated today.
Do you know this ols saying:
"if you are cold, tea will arm you; if you are too heated, it will cool you; If you are depressed, it will cheer you; if you are excited, it will clam you" ~ Gladstone

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I understand and like the idea of a math captcha, but I don't understand why there's an "I don't know" option.

It's useful to me, because I forgot basically all the mathematical notations I learned in highschool, but is there any effect to posting with that answer? Are posts with it downgraded in some way? It just seems like a very weird and possibly insecure system, especially since the captcha text next to "I don't know" isn't obscured in any way; it's easy enough for an OCR to read.

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Recommend me a programming language with meta-programming capabilities, strong types and functional features like map, filter, etc. that isn't too verbose and has good execution times.
And a project idea to test the language.
you want to use nim
for a project, just go to the installgentoo wiki to look for coding projects
redhat, coffee, templeOS
I second Nim. I recommend it for anything you'd use C or C++ for.

I *don't* recommend it for webdev or async networking though, its stdlib async is garbage. It's such a controversial issue that it was part of the reason for an active fork of the language to be made. That's a rabbithole for another time, though.

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babe, im on fire
Please stop being on fire.
It is severely detrimental to your health if you continue bodily combustion.

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1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click here to view.

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Happy Helloween!

I've had a good night.
How about you?

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Fix your broke ass site lolcat
test 2

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Hello, how's everyones day going?
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Dear Anons,

I need your advice: I started reading about a lecture on Measure theory.
I do it privately to avoid brain rot during the pandemic. Unfortunately, I am not making much progress.
Should I skip it at all? Or should I try some other field in order to get it better?

Thanks in Advance.

>picrelated, as it shows the spirit of my passion.
it's too bad that we can no longer openly drop lists of unfaithfuls so normal men can marry normal women.

thanks a lot snowden for ruining online dating.

>thanks a lot snowden for ruining online dating.
I actually kind of miss human interaction since Corona.
What about you, anon?

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Just a test, If I still remember the math correctly.
10 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Check did out, men:

What do you think?
Will AI comes for our jobs or what?
Pretty nifty, that
Huh. No capcha