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So, why didn't the testes of elephant descend ? don't they need to regulate the temp. of their testes too ? apparently not because some researches claim that their (Cetaceans like elephant, whales and dolphin) ancestors entered the waters 60 million years ago and hence were forced keep their testes in the intra abdominal cavity because physiologically testes are more sensitive to cold than hot
But then why didn't their testes evolved to descend unlike other mammals even if they have left their aquatic (cool) habitat a long time ago ? some researchers claim that their kidneys being closer to their intra abdominal testes helps the testes stay cool through the counter current mechanism of kidney [i cant find the study backing up tho :( ]
- But, so does the human fetus
- The testes of a human fetus descend in the 7th month of gestation and the kidneys are developed by the 2nd month
- This suggests that the undeveloped state of kidneys is not responsible for descending of testes in humans
