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/math/ - Mathematics

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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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Prove you are not a Midwit.
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Can be done in a couple of ways; summing
akmbkm\lfloor \frac{ak}{m} \rfloor \lfloor \frac{bk}{m} \rfloor
or computing
01{ax}{bx}\int_0^1 \{ax\}\{bx\}

For(1),We will show that
λ=01{ax}{bx}dx\lambda = \int_{0}^{1}\left \{ ax \right \} \left \{ bx \right \}dx
satisfied. In fact,we would show that
[ab(k1)m,abkm]Z=\left [ \frac{ab\left ( k-1 \right )}{m} ,\frac{abk}{m}\right ]\cap\mathbb{Z}= \emptyset

then we are done. This
{akm}{bkm}mk1mkm{ax}{bx}dx=O(1m)\Longleftrightarrow\left \{ \frac{ak}{m} \right \} \left \{ \frac{bk}{m} \right \} -m\int_{\frac{k-1}{m} }^{\frac{k}{m} }\left \{ ax \right \}\left \{ bx \right \} dx=\mathrm {O}\left ( \frac{1}{m} \right )
supx[k1m,km]{ax}{bx}infx[k1m,km]{ax}{bx}=O(1m)\Longleftrightarrow \sup_{x\in \left [ \frac{k-1}{m} ,\frac{k}{m} \right ]}\left \{ ax \right \} \left \{ bx \right \} -\inf_{x\in \left [ \frac{k-1}{m} ,\frac{k}{m} \right ]}\left \{ ax \right \} \left \{ bx \right \} =\mathrm {O} \left ( \frac{1}{m} \right )
It's obviously right.

>can't even render weblatex
this is sad
You have to use
\[ ... \]
instead of dollars.
Exactly just what I was thinking lmao
>he did not read the sticky

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I don't get it. Why are so many people in fractals nowadays?

There seems to be a whole community on Youtube that makes Mandelbrotzooms and seems to appreciate the psychedelic aesthetics and the relationship of these to PC hardware. Is this simply a continuation of the graphics demo scene?

I don't quite understand the appeal. However, I don't quite understand the math behind it either.
Cauase fractals are pretty.
Thank you. Now, I get it.

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A fractal
"schizos" schizing out is a good explanation

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What do people make of these numbers?
seems to be a relation between numbers and their cubes

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Has anyone read euclids elements or has ability to elucidate upon this geometry
Euclids work is just of historical interest.
I have give it a try but... I don't have the patience to follow it.

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>There is no Eulerian path along the bridges of Konigsberg?
>What if we dropped a 5000 kg bomb on the city?

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He is right about everything.
1 post omitted. Click here to view.
All me
shes wrong tho
Ok they're not real, but let's pretend they're real and prove all these useful theorems
this is what happens
you need to define real
he seems to think that math is the language of the universe or some idealism like that, and that therefore real numbers (more precisely, irrationals) can't be real since they contradict with his vision of reality
except math was never the language of the universe, it's a language that can model the universe, it can also model other things, just like other languages
math is real in the sense that it exists in our head, that we recognize collectively that it exists, it is not real in the sense that it’s reality itself
so real number aren't any less real than natural number, and, they are logically sound from the axioms we use

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Hodge conjecture is true. How do you prove it?
It's not true.
The integral Hodge conjecture is false. Why also is Hodge conjecture false? It is proved for many special case!
But this it not prove the conjecture.
I cant

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The Riemann hypothesis is false. I have a few independent negations by direct counterexample and they are presented in papers with varying degrees of rigor. In this "quick" proof, I present a fully rigorous proof upon an unproven proposition. Obvioulsy, this fails to negate RH due to the unproven proposition but it concisely states the method I use. In a longer paper, I do it without that proposition's assumption and in a *much* longer paper I start with Euclid's Elements, assume nothing else, and then show that RH is consequently false. That paper is linked below and if I can post the PDF, I will post it.

Fractional Distance: The Topology of the Real Number Line with Applications to the Riemann Hypothesis
Recent analysis has uncovered a broad swath of rarely considered real numbers called real numbers in the neighborhood of infinity. Here we extend the catalog of the rudimentary analytical properties of all real numbers by defining a set of fractional distance functions on the real number line and studying their behavior. The main results of are (1) to prove with modest axioms that some real numbers are greater than any natural number, (2) to develop a technique for taking a limit at infinity via the ordinary Cauchy definition reliant on the classical epsilon-delta formalism, and (3) to demonstrate an infinite number of non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function in the neighborhood of infinity. We define numbers in the neighborhood of infinity as Cartesian products of Cauchy equivalence classes of rationals. We axiomatize the arithmetic of such numbers, prove all the operations are well-defined, and then make comparisons to the similar axioms of a complete ordered field. After developing the many underlying foundations, we present a basis for a topology.

File: TIMESAND___FractionalDistance.pdf ( 943.18 KB , 1663049229219.pdf )

This is the one starting from Euclid.

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This one starts with a more modern shared framework for analysis.
Is this your work?
I don't know but I think you're another crackpot.
Oh boy 😔

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Trying to look for a more mathemathical, vectorized summarized idea of Drawing correctly all the frames involved in the walk cycle

From the idea that it is looping to maintaining constant balance between on step or cycle to another. But generally it needs to be summarized into a shape or curves or something easily read, mathemathically, that will tell where the pose go so to define the motion that is predetermined... which includes variety of things limping, running, crowling... assortments of so.

The prioritt idea is the balance and the repeat, so much less than abstract characteristic but rather the correct physics in accordance to the asked body motion
Did you make a similar thread on hikari3.ch/aca?
Someone had a very similar question there before the thread was deleted

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Request and deliver any books or book recommendation in this thread.

OP starts:
>Algebraic Topology, Allen Hatcher
You really shouldn't go with any other book. Stick with Hatcher, even when you feel lost.
Why should one only stick with Hatcher? I feel like books like May, Strom or Fomenko and Fuchs are plenty good as well.

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Are there any books that explain the system in pic or system below
{a231qa=0qa227=0 \begin{cases}\lfloor{\frac{a^2-31-q}{a}}\rfloor=0\\ \lfloor{\frac{q}{a^2-27}}\rfloor =0\end{cases}