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/math/ - Mathematics

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25 Dec 2021Mathchan is launched into public

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Mathematically speaking, what is the optimal strategy for yahtzee?

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We'll be playing yahtzee in vrchat this weekend.
  1. Free
  2. Linux-compatible
  3. No GPU required

People are smart
cool. 33F6YsgTX8

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Depends if the result is determined as a binary (or trinary) win/loss (+draw?) or if you're playing so that every point difference is $1 or something. Way easier to calculate if it's by point difference because then there's just a single, objective EV calculation and you don't even take the opponent's strategy into account, it can't change the EV of your own move.

If playing for a win and ignoring whether it's by 1 or 100 points, you get into obscene amounts of game theory, future game simulation and even psychological exploitation of mistakes (pointless to play if you're both optimal computers, so the mistakes will be there), and the game tree fucking explodes in complexity

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You can solve this, right?
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Yes. What's the time limit?
Where is this an Enterance Exam to? I do not think I could do it. My undergraduate univeristy is all multiple choice and so I am nearly finished it having barely written a proof. It's awful.
I somewhat doubt it is an actual entrance exam. It reminds me of 1st year graduate course of mathematical methods in theoretical physics given that it has a bunch of maths without too much coherence.

Also, I think the ban on electronic calculators is quite futile here.

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no eureka for today, gentlemen
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Because I love reinventing the wheel
Emoji Image you are started from solution when you wrote
x=sqrt[3]p+q+sqrt[3]pq x=sqrt[3]{p+q}+sqrt[3]{p-q}

If you reinvente the wheel how do you solve
x5+px2+qx+t=0 x^5+px^2+qx+t=0
x6+ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 x^6+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0
? Emoji Image
Me again, edit: when you wrote
x=p+q3+pq3 x=\sqrt[3]{p+q}+\sqrt[3]{p-q}
sorry for the mistakes Emoji Image
I said that I guessed it. I kinda remembered the outlook of the original solution with the sum of two cubic roots, but I didn't remember what was inside.

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You should be able to solve this
Why that humonguous integral though?

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What the fuck is a Polynomial and how do I solve one?
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I once knew how to solve polynomials but nowadays anything above degree 2 polynomials is too difficult to me
Me too, I solve 2-degree equation like this:
x2+ax+b=0x=p+iq x^2+ax+b=0\\ x=p+iq


(p+iq)2+a(p+iq)+b=0{p2q2+ap+b=02iqp+aiq=0{q=±a24+aa2+bp=a2 \\(p+iq)^2+a(p+iq)+b=0\\ \begin{cases} p^2-q^2+ap+b=0\\ 2iqp+aiq=0 \end{cases} \\ \begin{cases} q=\pm \sqrt{\frac{a^2}{4}+a\frac{a}{2}+b} \\p=-\frac{a}{2} \end{cases}

because i don't remember formula.
A poly is the sum of plus mono, until quartic eq. there are the formulas; from 5-degree eq. on... there is a general process, that is still secret

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>Of these 24 questions, Wei Dongyi completed 23 and a half, a record that even his coach was amazed by. He often solved all the questions in the first hour of the test. Many of the methods he used were self-invented and were much more concise than the standard processes, and became known as the "Wei Method".

In this competition, Wei beat the legendary Tao Zhexuan, who taught himself calculus at the age of seven and won the IMO gold medal at the age of 12, by a time ratio of 1:7. Tao Zhexuan was invited to solve the sixth problem of the finale, which took him seven hours, while Wei Dongyi took only one hour in the competition.

Is it really impossible to be like him with just learning and studying more? Is it really over, is only option actually suicide? Please be brutally honest, I don't want any false hope.(Even though I know the answer)
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I don't think he speaks English and I don't have any addresses.
he's an academic, and not some local fauna biologist or *mother tongue* linguist who can get away with only publishing in his native langage, he must speak english and clearly knows enough to have an h-index of 15.

Thank you anon.
intelligence boils down to nothing more than the speed at which you're able to use your brain to accomplish something. or perhaps your argument is that intelligence is largely uncorrelated with math?
its experience, solve more problems & learn more methods & you'll get better.
even if you don't its not the end of the world. you can still fuck women without being a three time IMO winner.

Is thrembo real? It's an integer between 6 and 7.
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Hi birb

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Hey dudes, can you help me? I would like to reprove Alan Sokal's theorem in another way, I know how to calculate the roots of a chromatic polynomial, but there is a piece missing from my puzzle: how is n-degree a chromatic polynomial calculated?
Pic's chromatic polynomial has degree 10 but it has three obviusly roots: 0,1,2; and it is not hard to calculate septic eq.

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Talk maths.
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For discussion not specific to any single topic
Area as in its Hausdorff dimension dimensional Hausdorff measure? Or Lebesgue measure of its convex hull?

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Wouldn't it be an improper integral over the complex plane?

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What do you guys think about competitive national exams like CSAT, Gaokao, JEE and more?